Note: the following experience is based on the individual experience of our Team and the Company
proposed 2.5km longsdale to percy clinic via flora road upgrade from grvel to tar in ga-mmabasotho village of aganang local municipality- capricorn district- limpopo province project no: mig/lpf/alm/15/16 (EIA)
makadikadi/ireland small access bridge project number: lnm033/2015/16 (EIA)
gravell to tar upgrade of existing 4.5km access road from unit s to q – in lebowakgomo town of lepelle nkumpi local municipalitycapricorn district- limpopo province contract no: lnm037/2015/16 (EIA)
Polokwane park inn hotel (SHE): SIVET (SHEQ)
Flag boshielo water reclamation plant upgrade ( OHS): Lepelle Northern water